Thursday, October 31, 2019

Oprtions Mngement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Oprtions Mngement - Essay Example The contribution of n opertions strtegy is lso outlined s prt of hierrchy of strtegies tht we might find in ech firm. It gives n insight into wht is exctly n opertions strtegy nd wht re its components, how esy is it to implement such strtegy nd wht cn n orgnistion expect from it. Bsiclly, the pper discusses the question of diversity of tsks tht opertions mngement incorportes nd tht these tsks should be combined to rech the potentil of opertions executed. Opertions mngement hs its origins in the study of 'production' or 'mnufcturing mngement'. (Pine, Boynton, 2003) These terms still very much pply to mnufcturing orgnistions tht will hve distinct opertionl ctivities tht convert sy, bens nd rich tomto suce into cns of bked bens to be sold by retiler. Thus, we cn initilly think of opertions mngement s being prt of distinct function producing product nd service combintion, just s we hve mrketing nd ccounting functions in mny orgnistions. The first definition of opertions mngement is therefore: Every orgnistion tht offers goods or services hs n opertions ctivity. s fr s the orgnistion structure is concerned, some firms will hve discrete opertions function. This might be clled mnufcturing deprtment, n opertions system, or hve no identifible nme t ll. However, like mrketing nd ccounting, it is fundmentl function of the firm with professionlly trined opertions or production mngers responsible for conversion of resources into the required product nd service combintions. In some orgnistions such mngers will hve different titles, store mnger for retiler, dministrtive mngers within hospitl or distribution mngers in logistics compny. This first definition tends to be rther nrrow s it pplies to core conversion processes (mostly mnufcturing). We need therefore to widen the definition of opertions mngement to second level: The design, opertion nd improvement of the internl nd externl systems, resources nd technologies tht crete

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Global Warming Video Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Warming Video Analysis - Essay Example Inhofe’s view is that although he initially accepted the understanding that humans were the primary culprits in global climate change (then called global warming), the recent data which has come to light indicates that in fact humans only account for but a very small percentage of total C02 emissions. As such, Inhofe goes on to state that the fact of the matter is that the Kyoto Accords have become a massive liability to the American civilian in the form of costing him/her many thousands of dollars each and every year as a function of the deadweight loss that is attributed to any nation that signs onto the Accords. Furthermore, Inhofe goes on to state that a large number of the scientists who originally bandwagon together and signaled their agreement with the human causation of global warming and supported such a belief have since, almost to the individual, begun to back down and take a more tempered approach to the issue. Although few are coming out denying that humanity has little if anything to do with climate change, few among those initial activists that pushed for the Kyoto Accords are continuing to argue for the same logic that initially persuaded them to become active during that period. An obvious criticism of Inhofe’s point of view is, of course, the fact that even though human beings do not contribute to the lion’s share of CO2 emissions, the fact remains that humanity is responsible for a larger and larger percentage of total CO2 output. As such, it is only logical to assume that the Earth’s ability to convert this back to oxygen as forests continue to be decimated and a higher and higher ratio of industrial nations belch out metric ton after metric ton of CO2 each and every year.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Alcohol Misuse on Parenting Capacity

Impact of Alcohol Misuse on Parenting Capacity Introduction: Alcohol and substance abuse has been found to adversely affect the ability of parents to attend to the emotional, developmental and physical necessities of children. Several governmental and health policies have provisions of services to support parents who engage in substance misuse or neglect children (NHS, 2005). Most research focus on the implications of mothers using drugs and the usual treatment method is counselling or residential programmes. Very few research studies have evaluated the impact of substance misuse on parenting capacity along with other disadvantageous conditions such as poverty and unemployment. For parental support services confidentiality is maintained about the parental condition although children often get to know of their parents’ misuse and may feel a sense of shame at their parents condition and at the same time have a fear of being separated from their parents (Barnard, 1999). A recent government framework document has defined parenting capacity as ‘the ability of parents or caregivers to ensure that the child’s developmental needs are being appropriately and adequately responded to, to be able to adapt to the child’s changing needs over time.’ The child’s needs include providing the basic physical needs as well as ‘ensuring the child’s emotional needs are met and giving the child a sense of being specially valued’. According to the Department of Health, ‘Securing the wellbeing of children by protecting them from all forms of harm and ensuring their developmental needs are responded to appropriately are primary aims of Government policy. Local authority social services departments working with other local authority departments and health authorities have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their area who are in need and to promote the upbringing of such children, wherever po ssible by their families, through providing an appropriate range of services’(Department of Health, 2000). Promoting the child’s intellectual development is also an important aspect of parenting as the child can develop only through encouragement and stimulation and through demonstrating and modelling control of inappropriate emotions and showing acceptable social behaviour providing a stable family environment. Thus adequate parenting capacity involves attending to the emotional, intellectual and physical needs of a child and promoting a healthy and supportive family environment (Children Act, 1989) Substance misuse, as identified by governmental health department covers both drug and alcohol misuse which is considered to have an adverse impact on the health and behaviour of parents and also on the lives and emotions of the children (Sher 1991). Excessive alcohol consumption severely affects the behaviour of the person who engages in drinking although there are differences in social perception of drug and alcohol use. Drug abuse carries with it more social stigma than alcohol misuse and may be consequently concealed from the family. In this essay we would give a statistical report on the nature and extent of substance misuse especially in Scotland and provide Scottish executive guidelines for child care in cases of parental substance misuse. The impact of parental alcohol misuse has been discussed in detail along with protective measures and social care policies that can provide adequate care to the vulnerable children. The Problem of Alcohol Misuse Alcohol misuse however causes substantial deaths, injuries and health problems and rates of drinking are high in the UK, within Wales and Scotland as well (NHS, 2005). In 1996, an estimated 27% male and 14% females drank beyond limits. 6% of men and 2% of women drink at levels which are considered dangerous. The age at which young people begin drinking is also decreasing rapidly (Department of Health, 2000). Alcohol consumption is the major factor in causing injuries and has been associated with most accidents and drowning deaths. Alcohol also causes significant health problems associated with hypertension, haemorrhages, stroke, cardiovascular disease, liver cirrhosis, alcohol dependence as well as social and behavioural problems. Is has been reported that in Accidents and Emergency departments, 80% of people admitted have alcohol related problems (NHS, 2005). Educational messages, informational campaigns and personal behavioural-change interventions are important in raising awarenes s on the potential dangers of alcohol and the importance of maintaining safe limits in alcohol consumption. Minimal or brief interventions are given at a primary care level and trained nurses provide care and support which are sometimes quite effective in reducing drinking. Family social learning and family social processes are an important influence on adolescent alcohol misuse and more research may be necessary to understand the effectiveness of including family members in group alcohol prevention programmes and the role of parenting skills in prevention of alcohol misuse (Kroll, 2004). The workplace can be another influential factor in reducing or increasing alcohol consumption. Interventions for behavioural modification have to be related to workplace alcohol consumption policy. The UK home office suggests that Rights and responsibilities in relation to alcohol are important in a Government’s approach to alcohol. Although most people drink responsibly but there is general agreement that the scale of disorder fuelled by alcohol is also quite high. According to the Home Office, in 2002/03, 1.2million violent crimes were alcohol related and 44% of all violent crime was fuelled by alcohol. 35% of all attendances at hospital accident and emergency departments are related to alcohol as are 70% of those which occur between midnight and 5 am (Home Office report, 2005). One in five violent incidents due to over-consumption of alcohol takes place around pubs or clubs. All this involves a high cost with crime and disorder resulting in losses of up to  £7.3 billion in a year. According to the NHS – Alcohol Misuse, Chief Nursing Officer Bulletin, 2005. According to Scottish executive 2001, there may be certain differences between alcohol misuse, alcohol problems and alcoholism. The term ‘alcohol misuse’ might refer to a less serious or frequent problem than alcoholism as it may not refer to any addiction but on having alcohol for the sake of it. Alcohol misuse has been largely associated with over-consumption or binge drinking which may be different from habitual consumption. Social or medical services related to alcohol consumption are perceived as curative rather than preventative and people generally seek help after becoming dependent on alcohol and not prior to this. Alcohol problems are associated with daily life problems that begin to take over a person’s life and begin to affect personal behaviour. Alcohol dependency is sometimes seen as an alcohol problem although alcohol problem is more defined not by the amount of alcohol being consumed but by the impact it has on the lives of people around a person wh o engages in such habits. However alcohol physical and emotional dependency is related to alcoholism rather than alcohol misuse or alcohol problems and alcoholics are usually the ones who tend to hide their problems and their dependency which is usually marked by physical helplessness. Extreme misuse of alcohol is again seen as alcoholism although some service providers use the term ‘alcoholic’ with some discretion as some patients may be less comfortable with the term which may even be harmful and detrimental to treatment. Statistics on Alcohol Misuse – The following interesting statistics have been provided by Scottish Executive Publications on Alcohol Misuse: Source: Scottish Executive Publications – Statistics on Alcohol Misuse. Table 1 Casualties which involved motor vehicle drivers or riders with illegal alcohol levels by severity of accident, Scotland *above current drink-drive limit of 80mg alcohol per 100ml of blood [Road Accidents Scotland 2000 SE 2001] The severity of the problem of alcohol consumption could be seen from the report presented which indicates that alcohol related deaths, violence, mental illness, emergency admissions and road accidents have all gone up in the last few years with the UK alcohol consumption also showing a steep rise in the late 90s and early 2000. These problems are especially reflected in parental alcohol consumption cases which have severe adverse impacts on children. Promoting Child Welfare – The Perspective from Scottish Executive The Scottish Executive documents provide the following vision for the welfare of Scottish children: ‘A Scotland in which every child matters, where every child, regardless of his or her family background, has the best possible start in life’. Two important documents have been released for these purposes. ‘For Scotland’s Children’, which was published in 2001, gave advice on how better to integrate children’s services and the ‘Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review 2002’, aimed to improve services for children who experience abuse or neglect at home or elsewhere. The Child Protection Review (2002) states: â€Å"The problems of neglect and problem drug or alcohol use are often related, particularly where household finances are spent on drink or drugs, or the behaviour of the parents or their associates impact on the child’s welfare. Some problems are intergenerational, particularly neglect. We have concerns about the future well being of a large number of children who are now being born into drug misusing families, and ensuring their better protection must be a priority.† Child Protection Committees, Drug/Alcohol Action Teams, and agencies involved in preparing Children’s Service Plans should ensure that all agencies agree on how they will work together to protect children, support families and provide appropriate services (Daniel, 2004). Tackling all kinds of substance misuse is a high priority for the people of Scotland and the Scottish Executive and all methods need to be developed according to Scottish National strategies. One such strategy is Tackling Drugs in Scotland: Action in Partnership and the Plan for Action on Alcohol Problems. Scottish Executive Committee recognises that although not every family with substance misuse experience difficulties, parental substance misuse can have significant and damaging consequences for children at home. The Committee proposes that such children are entitled to help, support and protection even within their own families although sometimes help from agencies are necessary for their safety and security. Parents are also required to support their children and help children to overcome their problems by promoting children’s full potential. The national drugs strategy calls for agencies to assess the needs of children who are neglected by parents on drug misuse and help provide services to these children for their safety and welfare. The Scottish executive has provided guidance to all Drug Action Teams and Child Protection Committees and encouraged these organisations to have local policies on support to help children of drug misusing parents. Within the specified Alcohol Plan for action, children of problem drinkers are also identified as a group with specific needs. Drug and Alcohol Action Teams look at the needs of children whose parents misuse alcohol. The main tenets of the Scottish Executive are given as follows: 1. Children’s welfare is the most important consideration; 2. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that children are protected from harm; 3. We should help children early and not wait for crises – or tragedies – to occur; and 4. We must work together, in planning and delivering services, in assessment and care planning with families, and in multi-disciplinary training. According to the Scottish executive, as there is currently, no national database of problem alcohol users in Scotland, data on alcohol use come from a number of sources: †¢ in 2000, 26% of all women and 44% of all men drank more than twice the daily benchmark on their heaviest drinking day †¢ the proportion of women aged 16-64 drinking more than the weekly recommended limits increased from 13% to 15% from 1995 to 1998 †¢ young people, aged 16-24, in Scotland are drinking more; average weekly consumption in young people aged 16-24 has risen from 1995-1998 for both sexes †¢ men living in the most deprived areas of Scotland are seven times more likely to die an alcohol-related death than those in the least deprived areas †¢ 72% of victims of violent crime reported that their assailant was under the influence of alcohol Recent estimates has also suggested that 40,000-60,000 children in Scotland are affected by their parents’ drug use and 80,000-100,000 are affected by parental alcohol misuse. The following examples give data from two urban areas – Glasgow and Dundee – I A local study of children’s cases, in which Glasgow City Council had sought Child Protection Orders between 1998 and 1999, found that of 111 Orders made on children in 62 families, 44 (40%) cited drug-related risk. 47 of the children were named on the local child protection register, 27 because of concerns about neglect and 16 for physical injury (Quinlan, 2000 cited in Scottish Executive 2002). Source: Scottish Executive II- In Dundee the proportion of children subject to child protection case conferences whose parents were recorded as having problems with alcohol and/or drug misuse, rose from 37% in 1998/1999 to 70% in 2000. Of the 30 children on the child protection register in October 2000, 53% had parents with problems associated with drug and/or alcohol misuse. Source: Scottish Executive The Impact of Parent’s Substance Misuse on Children According to Mountenay (1998) parental substance misuse is neither a necessary nor a sufficient cause of problems in children. However, alcohol and substance misuse greatly increases the risks of family problems and substance misuse in parents can become a focal issue of life and social behaviour of children at home. Mountenay (1998) has further claimed that long term drug or alcohol misuse in parents lead to deteriorating mental health and permanent mental problems for children. Alcohol dependence causes severe problems in households and the fact that drug use is illegal can cause similar problems among children who perceive the problems of their parents with considerable shame and disgust. The problem of children is however mainly ill-researched and less known and they are seen as hidden tragedies or unseen casualties (Wilson, 1982) Due to parental substance misuse, children may be at high risks of maltreatment, emotional and physical neglect, family conflict and inappropriate parental behaviour (Barlow, 1996). Children may be exposed to or get associated with drug or alcohol related crimes and as a consequence they are more likely to show behavioural problems and experience social stigma and isolation and may also themselves become substance mis-users as adults. Since parents on drugs and alcohol spend a lot of time on buying, assessing or obtaining these substances, their emotional or social relationships with their children are hampered as they do not have much time or availability for their children. This problem is especially acute in single parent household and in economically deprived areas, especially when there is no support from relatives or family members. Households in which drug or alcohol abuse is common is characterised by violence, criminal activity and poor or unstable environments. Drug or alcohol dependent parents ultimately make poor relationships and have strained and conflictual relationships with their children. Parents may fail to keep up or perform their parental duties and provide ineffective supervision, inconsistent care or overly punitive or strict discipline which may strain their relations with the children. There may be deficiencies in parenting skills of parents which may in turn have been imbibed from the parents of the drug users who served as poor role models. Barlow (1996) claimed that children of drug using parents may in the long term show serve social and motional difficulties, and may show strong reactions against change, isolation, with difficulty in learning, problems with social humour and estrangement and isolation from family and peers. However the impact of parental alcohol or drug misuse varies according to the age of children and according to which developmental stage they are in. The impact also depends on abilities of children. Children with physical or learning disabilities or with some health problems may be more vulnerable to emotional difficulties due to their parents’ conditions and parents involved in substance misuse may have difficulties in understanding these especially sensitive children or meeting their needs. Thus assessment of care quality and parental support should always consider each child individually. Infants in their pre-school years and babies in general are particularly vulnerable to effects of physical and emotional injury and neglect and this can have damaging effects on their long term development and social adjustment. Neglect can happen when the parent in care is in an alcoholic or drugged condition and unaware of the child’s needs or reactions. Parental commitment to care for children is severely affected when in drugged or alcoholic condition and can lead to inappropriate responses to the questions or concerns of the child. The parents in drugged or alcoholic state may be unhappy, tensed or irritated and can even injure or harm the child under the influence of such conditions (Forrester, 2000). Poor and inconsistent parenting damages the attachment process and unpredictable parental behaviour hinders the child’s cognitive and emotional development. Substance misuse is usually an expensive vice and there may be financial demands on the parents which mean mon ey would be wasted and not used appropriately to improve a child’s material environment. Physical or emotional rejection in such household can prevent children from developing a positive sense of self esteem or even a sense of identity and children may have their physical needs neglected and tend to remain unwashed, uncared and unfed (Sher, 1991). Children may be beaten up and be subjected to direct physical violence and by witnessing direct domestic abuse, they may themselves learn inappropriate behaviour which may take the form of post traumatic stress disorder in which they display emotional symptoms if parental behaviour becomes unpredictable and frightening. Older or primary school children are at increased risks of injury and they may show symptoms of fear of hostility with parents and also anxiety. The gender of the children play an important role and girls may show different reactions to such parental behaviour than boys. Although boys tend to show behavioural problems like aggressiveness, girls can be equally affected. At this stage, poor parental supervision and parental neglect or disinterest can lead to failure in academic attainment and children’s attendance to school can become irregular or erratic. Separation from parents can also cause distress and disrupt social behaviour and academic achievement (Kroll, 2004). Parental behaviour can lead to feelings of embarrassment and shame in these individuals and may be responsible for making children socially isolated for fear of humiliation by friends. Children can also start taking responsibilities for themselves and their younger siblings and may become too independent trying to move away from home and family life. Children and adolescent with drug or alcohol problems at home may not attend school and become delinquent. They may become isolated with no friends, may reject family altogether and experience significant disruption in their education (McKeganey et al, 2002). Without parental support children at adolescence and puberty may have to face increased problems although they may become increasingly beyond parental control. Sexual aggression, bullying tendencies and emotional disturbances may accompany concerns of shame and embarrassment in children to compensate physical neglect by parents. Children with parental substance misuse might develop an early problem of drug and alcohol abuse themselves. Chandy et al (1993) discuss that children of alcoholics constitute an at-risk population and their study attempted to understand the impact of parental alcohol misuse on school performance of children. They used a sample of 838 teenagers from alcohol misusing parents and found that these teenagers performed significantly poorer in all the six measurements of school performance. The study identified that the teenagers who did perform well in school said that their parents have high expectations of them and these teenagers rated themselves highly in terms of health and also claimed to be religious and thus religiousness and parental expectations could be considered as protective factors as identified in this study. In another study by CoSandra et al. (2000) the effects of parental alcohol use on African American and White adults were studied. The study results indic

Friday, October 25, 2019

Who Is To Blame? :: essays research papers fc

Who Is To Blame? At a home game against the Indianapolis Pacers, Detroit Pistons Center Ben Wallace reacted with fury against Pacer’s forward Ron Artest after a hard technical foul by Artest. An argument ensued followed by a shoving match between the two which got both teams involved. In a matter of minutes the brawl escalated into the seats of the fans, with some fans throwing fists and full cups of beer at the athlete, prompting what began as a simple altercation on the court into all out mayhem. Ron Artest, Anthony Johnson, David Harrison, Jermaine O'Neal and Stephen Jackson of the pacers and Ben Wallace of the Detroit Pistons as a result missed a significant portion of the regular season from suspensions as a result. Ron Artest was suspended for the remainder of the season. Four fans were banned from the home arena of the Detroit Pistons and lost his season tickets for future home games. The five suspended players of the Indiana Pacers as well as the four fans with ticket bans face charges in August in a Michigan Courtroom (Corbin).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When situations occur when the fans and the athletes get into confrontations, both the athlete and the fans involved must be held responsible. Too often fans get too rowdy and incite confrontations, by throwing cups of beer, chairs, fists and at times even screaming racial slurs. In almost every case of player/fan altercations, the athlete is viewed as the perpetrator in the eye of public opinion. In the view of many major media outlets such as ESPN and various network and cable news segments, and as well as in those of sportswriters, the fans have leverage because their tickets, concessions, and their contributions in television ratings collectively pay for the salaries of these athletes. In other words, the fans pay the bills of the athlete, so it’s almost as if they can do no wrong. However the flaw in this logic is that too little blame is placed on the fan and management’s lack of control of their behavior. In the case such as the one which the riot occurred in Detroit, fans should be held just as accountable as the athletes and justice should be served not only within the jurisdiction of the NBA, but also of the law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One detail which must not be lost is that fights occur in both levels of sport, fans among fans and athletes among athletes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of youth justice policies in England and Wales since 1997 Essay

Introduction When Labour took office in 1997 they claimed that they would be tough on crime and the causes of crime. The first 6 months were unprecedented, with six consultation documents being released on youth and crime each containing its own proposals these were first published in Tackling Youth Crime, Reforming Youth Justice (Labour 1996). To start this essay I will first discuss Labours 1997 White Paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales, where policy was laid out and then later legislated in The Crime and Disorder Act 1998. From this I will evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of the various elements of this policy which will include the aims of the youth justice system. Then in the second part move to evaluate the abolition of the doli incapax, the reparation order and parenting order. Thirdly I will evaluate the child safety order, local child curfew, final warning scheme, action plan order. The fourth part will be an evaluation of the detention and training order and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. And finally the establishment of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, Youth Offending Teams and the duties of the local authorities and other agencies to make sure the availability of the appropriate youth justice services. And then finally bring all my findings together to produce a clear and comprehensive conclusion; which I believe has many strengths and some weaknesses. The Labour government’s 1997 White paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales is a document which sets out labours programme of reform for the youth justice system in England and Wales, it aims are â€Å"a clear strategy to prevent offending and re-offending, that offenders, and their parents, face up to their offending behaviour and take responsibility for it, earlier, more effective intervention when young people first offend, faster, more efficient procedures from arrest to sentence, partnership between all youth justice agencies to deliver a better, faster system† Home Office (1997). According to the Home Office (1997) the aim of the youth justice system is to prevent offending by young people. And the Crime and Disorder Bill has in it a requirement that it is the duty of all people working in the youth justice system to uphold these. The requirement covers all the youth justice agencies in England and Wales like the police, social services the probation services and others working in the Youth Offending Teams, the Crown prosecution service, defence solicitors, the prison services and courts and the way they deal with young adults. The claim is that this will provide unity between them all and that everyone is striving for the same purpose. The government will also complement this with a new proposal for a new Youth Justice Board for England and Wales who will give advice on how to set standards and how to monitor performance. Also this will not take over or supersede practitioner’s previous roles, but will support them to understand their actions and choices when they deal with young people this can help to stop offending and can prevent avoidable delays; such as the chances of offending when awaiting sentence can be reduced, also making young people responsible for their own behaviours which can help youths understand and change their behaviours. Also community and custodial penalties whose priorities are on the causes of offending which can be enforced can help. This duty that has been stated is a clear strength bringing the various agencies and services in the same line and having one clear aim of what the task ahead is this also eliminates any confusion that might have existed. The government according to the Home Office (1997) proposes that an aim of youth justice system and the duty discussed previously and their practitioners would be supported by more complete, non statutory objectives for these agencies. These would support the proposals made by Jack Straw’s Youth Justice Task Force which is a variety of people and groups that have a high knowledge of the system and have now issues of victims and representatives of the governmental departments. The Task Force stated their recommendations for preventing offending which were, a speedy administration of justice so that the accused matter can be sorted out quickly, confronting offenders with the consequences of their actions, for themselves their families, victims and their communities. Punishment which reflects the seriousness and the persistence of the offending. Also to support reparation to victims by the offenders and to strengthen the responsibilities of parents and to help offenders to fix their problems and to build a sense of the personal self. This is also strength as all involved have a good knowledge of the problems and the system and would be a good resource to the system to have. And also what the Task Force has recommended is also a good step forward as it is these that have stopped the system from being efficient. Moving onto the abolition of the doli incapax the reparation order and parenting order. The doli incapax according to Muncie (2009:275) In England and Wales, children fewer than 10 could not be found guilty of a criminal offence, and the law for many years believed that those under 14 were incapable of criminal intent. But during the 1990s the doli incapax, which had been in the law since the 14th century, was being challenged by both the right and the left. This was due to the Bulger case, the policy was put under review by the conservatives after the 1994 High Court ruling. Three years later it was abolished in the Crime and Disorder Act, the reasons given for this were so that they could convict young offenders who wreaked havoc on communities this was based on the fact that they believed that 10 and 13 year olds could capable of knowing between right and wrong. This was against what the UN had recommended for The UK which they had made in 1995 then 2002 to come in line with the rest of Europe but the government went totally in the other direction. They gave no direction to the courts and to the youth offending teams that overall child welfare is the main consideration. This is a weakness as it contradicts what Labour had said in there White Paper, and the fact that the YOTs would be confused with conflicting policies. This legislation manages not to take the child’s age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe are the children in the UK not the same. The reparation order is for young adults to understand the cost of their actions and to take responsibility for them. What is asked is that they repair the damage caused directly to the victim through mediation if they both agree or to the community indirectly cleaning up graffiti and other tasks around the community. This would be managed by the YOT, this can be a real strength in the rehabilitation process giving something back to the victims and the community and being able to see the damage they have caused helping to change their lives around. Also the parenting order which has been stated by the Home Office (1997) to be created so that it can give support to parents so they can control their children. The order requires parents attend a counselling or guidance session once a week for 3 months and if the courts think that it is needed then a requirement to make sure that children attend school and to see that they get home on a certain time. This is also a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending. Now moving onto the child safety order, which according to the Home Office (1997) has been developed to safeguard children who are under ten where there is risk that these children will be involved in crime or signs of anti social behaviour can be seen. This could be available to local authorities in the family proceeding court. A court would be able to make a child stay at home at a certain time or ban them from going to certain places. They could also stop certain behaviours like truanting; this could also be combined with a parenting order. And if these are not obeyed then the local authority can start proceedings. The strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then there is the Local child curfew which is for the Childs own good and to stop neighbourhood crime and disorder and states that children should not be out without supervision at night. This can be used by the local authorities and police but they would have to get permission from the Home secretary. Also the council could then bar children under 10 from certain public places after certain times. These can last for up to 90 days and if these are to be extended then police and local community. The strength of this is that it involves the local community so determining what’s best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the Home Office (1997) has replaced the cautioning with a statuary police reprimand, what happens is that the police can decide to reprimand a child and give them a final warning or to bring criminal charges to the offender. What then happens is a community intervention programme is forced which makes the offender and his family address the causes this behaviour which can help solve the problem. What the final warning entails is that the first offence the offender can receive a reprimand by the police if the crime is not that serious and if it carries on then a another final warning or criminal charges can be pressed. But on no grounds must 2 final warnings be given. The strength of this is that it lets the offender know that they will be strict and will not put up with it again a final warning is a final warning. Also an action plan order which is like a community penalty for young offenders, this is a small, rigorous programme where community intervention is used combined with punishment and rehabilitation so that the offender’s behaviour can be changed and more crime can be stopped. The strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Moving onto and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. The Home office (1997) state that the government should have undeniable powers to remand to secure accommodation. For young people who are of the age 10-16 and are awaiting trial. And so The Criminal Justice Act 1991 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 included in its provisions to amend the Children and Young Persons Act 1969 which was to allow courts to remand 12-16 years olds directly to secure local authority accommodation with certain conditions. But this was not put into operation. The conservatives had started a building programme which was for 170 new local authority secure places, there completion date was 1998. But Labour said that these would be not enough. And so declared to use the Crime and Disorder Bill to implement court ordered remand power on some groups of youths. Priority would be gives to 12-14s then girls of the age 15 and 16 and also boys of that age when places become available. This is due to courts believing that these children are vulnerable and they are emotionally and physically immature and so there is a danger that they could harm themselves, this is also strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels. Also detention and training orders, these will give powers the Home Office (1997) states can be used for 10-17 year olds and courts can use these only if it is a very serious crime and if they are persistent offenders and the court believes it is needed to protect the public. This will also added to 10-11 year olds but would only be permitted by parliament if seen to be needed. The length of the sentence will be divided, half of it will be in custody and half in community supervision and this also could be adjusted if good behaviour is seen. This is a good as it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to further crimes but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. Then Maguire, Morgan and Reiner (2002:560) discuss Labours ‘new youth justice’ which is the forming of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) and the Youth offending Teams (YOTs); and also what takes place through this legislation is a restructure of non custodial penalties in the youth court. So considering Labours main aim of having a youth justice system which prevents offending by children and young adults, the way labour went about this is to impose order from the centre. There tools to enable this was a catalogue of legislations, also the then Home secretary Jack Straw formed a youth justice task force the aim of this was to keep a tight link with all the other agencies involved with young offenders. Due to the section 41 of the Crime Disorder Act the YJB had turned into a non departmental public body which was then sponsored by the Home Office. The job of the YJB was to monitor the running of the youth justice system and the provision of the youth justice services and also the national standards and establishing the right performance measures. What also the 1998 Act made possible was for the home secretary to give the board more powers which included the YJB becoming the commissioning body of all the placements that are under 18 in a secure facility on remand or have a sentence from the courts. The YJB was also given control over commissioning places including prison services YOTs, secure training centres (STCs) and local authority secure units. This is also strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help. This brings me to managerialism, the reason the YJB and the YOTs were set up in the first place was because according to Muncie (2009:297) investigations from the Public Accounts Committee, Audit commission and the National Audit Office recommended and supported subjugating professional skills independent managerial ideals of what works, which could attach certain resources to credible and successful outcomes and which could initiate responsibility to law and order from a central state to a sequence of semi independent local partnerships which will include privatized bodies and voluntary agencies. Words such as individual need, rehabilitation, reformation, penal purpose and due process are replaced by techniques of classification and actuarialism, risk assessment and resource management changes all the earlier understanding of law and order from understanding motivations of crime to making crime bearable through universal coordination. This is a total difference from earlier ways and managerial system is thought to lower the standard or expectations of what a government can achieve in the youth justice system. This to me is a weakness as it is being run like a business which always has its priorities in cost and reduction, but also I can see strengths to as it can be more efficiently run with professionals running it – with the right knowledge. The Act also contained anti social behaviour orders. Muncie (2009:317) explains that they are usually refer to a variety of things such as youths that hang out causing trouble making a nuisance of them and to their neighbours, making noise, vandalising property, littering, and causing graffiti to public property and drunkenness. This has been a priority in England and Wales, the key to New Labour was to strengthen the ability of the criminal justice system so they could treat disorder and the lack of respect but serious crimes too as it was clear that disorder was rising and was affecting neighbourhoods and also that it was a sign of times to come more serious crimes. The police and courts were said to be powerless against the nuisance and the anti social behaviour that was being caused and that this was being mixed in with impunity. Second at the centre was a program and wish not just to reduce crime and disorder, but to encourage a process of civil renewal and civic responsibility. Third the broken windows theory was taken aboard a it was believed that a failure to accept zero tolerance policing of lesser serious offending and signs of disorder could only further destroy already deprived and marginalized communities. The Anti social behaviour order (ASBO) was the flagship of New Labour in their 1998 Crime and Disorder Act. Muncie (2009:318) explains that this is a civil not a criminal order and can be given by the police and local authority to anyone that is over 10 years of age whose behaviour can cause alarm, distress or even harassment. The minimum time an order can last is two years. But if you breach the order it will be treated as a criminal offence and the punishment for this can be up to two years in prison for juveniles and five years for adults. Certain local authorities went even further and started to experiment with Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) which were for even lower levels of behaviours and for lower ages those below for ten years of age. And if they are given an order then they must agree and to take steps to correct their behaviour, the steps will be decided by local youth offending team (YOT) and their parents must also agree on the steps. Initially when the ASBO was introduced it was said that it was for adults that were nuisances to their neighbours, but this statement was later changed and became for young people and areas that high crime rates became the targets of this order. The â€Å"Home office review, 58% were made on under 18 year olds and a further 16% on those aged between 18 and 21. There are certain steps in this that are positive but to me there are inherent weaknesses to, like to give anti social behaviour order and lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is some thing to show off so demoralising it entirely. So to conclude I have found that Labour have a lot of strengths in their Youth Policy but have inherent weaknesses which stem from various contradictions in the policy. The strength that I have found are first of all is the duty that has been put into the legislation, which brings various agencies and services together, which unifies them and sets a main agenda that all must adhere to as it is in the legislation to follow the duty and eliminates any confusion that might have existed, and another strength is to support these by the task force which comprises of professionals and people in the field that can offer the best advice. Also the reparation order is a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending and make them responsible. Then the child safety order, the strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then the local child curfew’s strength lies in the way it involves the local community so determining what’s best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Which brings me to secure remands of 12-16 year olds which is also a strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels, the detention training programme has strength because it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to a life of crime but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. The forming of the YOTs and YJB is strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say, and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help, and managerialism is strength as it can be more efficiently run with professionals in charge. Now I will just conclude my findings of the weaknesses which are; the abolition of the doli incapax to me is a weakness as it manages not to take the child’s age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe, are the children in the UK not the same. Another weakness is the ASBO to lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is something to be proud off and to show off so demoralising the order entirely. There are strengths and weaknesses in this policy but I have found the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. Bibliography Home Office, (1997), White Paper, No More Excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales Muncie, J. (2009), Youth and Crime, 3rd edition, London, Sage publications Maguire, M. Morgan, R and Reiner, R. (2002), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, 3rd Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Goldson, B. Muncie, J. (2006), Youth Crime and Justice, London, Sage Publications Baldock, J. Manning, N. and Vickerstaff, S. (2007), Social Policy, 3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Integrating sustainability Essay

During the recent years many challenges have started facing communities due to the controversial tendencies in the modern world- rapid urbanization and struggles of communities for keeping environment in the state which was common for it for many centuries. The problem which communities have come across now is very complex, and requires a very well-considered approach. On one hand, the present generation wants to enjoy all the benefits of the time and take advantages of everything what it offers to them. On the other hand, it’s important to maintain to the environment in such a way that future generations can take advantage of it as well. It’s impossible to use all of the natural resources in just recent years because further generations will not be able to use them. Therefore, issues of sustainability have become particularly sharp lately. One of the ways to face the challenge and devote necessary attention to sustainability issues is by carrying out well-balanced policy on the government level, defining the mission statement of the policy, setting correct objectives, analyzing the present state of environment and factors influencing it, and suggesting measures which can be used in order to implement the adopted strategies. The major role of strategic planning in this matter cannot be doubted. The strategy has to be carried out at the highest level in order to meet all of the goals which nowadays reality sets in front of us. In Sutherland Shire, the damage of land is connected with urban growth and the consequent influence on water quality, biodiversity and air quality. As the State of Environment Report states, â€Å"in 2002/03, a total of 2,728 development applications were received in the Shire. Of these, 2,400 development applications were approved (54 less than approved in 2001/02). Of all development applications received, 13% were associated with new residential development. Medium density development accounted for 2% (50) of all development applications in 2002/03. † (State of Environment Report, p. 10). Sutherland Shire Council has been very efficient during the recent years in setting objectives and implementing all the activities regarding environmental protection. The plans issued by the Sutherland Council manage to cover all the necessary issues which rise in the shire during the recent years. On one hand, the council focuses on the modern developments made in the shire but it also devotes lots of attention to environmental problems. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the council regards all the activities provided in the shire to improve the life of dwellers through the prism of environmental protection. This approach has proved to be very efficient for present day realities. As the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire states, â€Å"†¦Sustainability is the ability to provide choices for future generations of the Shire without compromising those of our generation. The Shire has made progress in addressing challenges in community issues and safety, the natural environment, and transport, identified in 2000. Further integration of transport choices with land use, which affects community issues, safety and the environment, is required. An informed democratic process which carefully addresses Shire risks, and continued commitment to sustainability in council management, are fundamental to achieving sustainability. † (Management Plan, 15) The perception of sustainability provided by Sutherland Shire Council plays a very important role in all the activities provided by the council. They include solving problems regarding community safety, transport, natural environment, and some other issues. The Management Plan and State of Environment Plan of Sutherland Shire both focus on ecologically sustainable development. The whole purpose of such development is taking into consideration all of the objectives which were set in NSW Local Government Act in 1993. The Management Plan has also been created according to the council adopted Our Guide for Shaping the Shire to 2030. The major strategic goals which the council states in the Management Plan are â€Å"†¦to pursue sustainability across economic, social and environmental considerations. We address economic, social and environmental issues on a day to day basis and in this plan, have made this more tangible with triple bottom line statements against our principal activities† (Management Plan, p. 12). The plan also states that the council’s vision of the shire is â€Å"a community working together to attain safe, healthy and active lifestyles, through accountable decision-making, that achieves sustainable development and economic opportunities, that respect people and nature† (Management Plan, p. 11). Describing the vision of the shire is a very important part of strategic planning of the council because the achievement of the marked vision of the shire is the major strategic goal which the council sets for the community. The strategic goal is expressed very well in the plan, and this enables the council to plan the activities carefully in order to achieve the goal. According to all of the mentioned documents, all the developments which take place in the shire during the following years had to be done without damaging the natural environment and preventing future generations from enjoying the benefits of clean water, beautiful gardens and many other advantages which nature has given to the shire long ago. The NSW Local Government Act stated that urban development which is currently occurring in the shire is very dangerous for the natural resources, for example water, air quality, biodiversity. Therefore, when adopting future plans for the development of shire, it was very important for the local council to take into consideration all the measures which would prevent natural environment from damage. Most of the measures taken during the recent years were very successful in this regard. According to the Sutherland Shire Management Plan, the two key components of ESD in local government are: a requirement for natural resource protection actions (e. g. bushland, waterways, tree canopy, etc. ) in all unit work programs, based on management plan development, including descriptions of individual management responsibilities within core business; reporting State of the Environment results including likely outcomes for key natural resource health indicators as a result of community decisions on planning options. (Management Plan, p. 14). The council has planned many measures which would be crucial in environmental protection. In the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program, all the measures taken for integration of council with the community were marked. All of the joint efforts of the council and the community had to be devoted to eliminating environmental problems. For example, some measures were taken regarding the areas which are currently experiencing planning change. The main emphasize in the plan was made on the risk assessment techniques which would provide all of the necessary data about the possible damage which could be given to the environment in the result of the measures. All of the objectives set in the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program answered the main strategic goals placed in front of the environment. The results of the program implementation however showed the lack of organization communication and some mistakes made during transport planning, therefore some more consideration had to be devoted to the structure of the program in order to eliminate negative impact of the mentioned factors. The main directions which the Council has set are very meaningful and help to implement all the activities which it has stated in the strategic goal: ? pursuing ecologically sustainable development, meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future; ? demonstrating organizational delivery of integrated services and be environmentally, socially and economically responsible and accountable; ? managing resources to maintain financial viability and enhance service provision? promoting access, equity and a sense of community (Management Plan, p. 11). Most of the directions which have been set by the Council are very complex and require joint efforts of people involved in the community life. In order to increase the efficiency of implementing the goals which have been set by the council, it makes a decision to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the community life. Therefore, increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life serves one of the ways to achieve the directions mentioned above. There are some other issues on which the council chooses to focus in order to meet all of the challenges which can arise from the objectives set by it. According to the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire, the main issues on which the council is planning to focus during the next years included the following: ? Nurture our clean and beautiful natural environment; ? Improve our suburbs; ? Increase the number of citizens involved in community life; ? Maintain our prosperous local economy; ? Build safe, healthy and active lifestyles; ? Business activities; ? Support services (Management Plan). As it’s possible to tell from the list of activities which the council was providing, the main feature of the plan was combining activities leading to the increase of the level of life of people in the shire, brining development into their lifestyles, and at the same time focusing on the measures of environmental protection. It’s very important that the council has devoted lots of attention to the issue of nurturing the clean and beautiful natural environment of the Sutherland Shire. This features of the plan shows that the major strategic goals which have been put in from of the council are being implemented. The importance of other measures which have been taken by the council, like increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life, increasing the prosperity of local economy, building active lifestyles are very important as well. Those are also one of the measures which have to be taken to prepare future generations for a happy and prosperous life. If actions taken to protect environment are very important for the future generations ecology vice because they guarantee them life in a clean environment, actions taken to increase the prosperity of the shire are equally important. One of the major features of the Management Plan and State of Environment Report of Sutherland Shire is that the mentioned actions don’t come into controversion with one another. This is a very important achievement of the council’s planning which can be marked as an outstanding one. As long as the objectives of environmental activities and of urban development activities are well-balanced, the results of the plan implementation will always be positive. There are many activities which have been planned by the Council in order to protect the environment. In the plan, there have been included many activities which dealt with people’s recreation (like building public golf courses, tennis courts, vacation facilities), providing services for youth and older people and some others, but the main attention was devoted to environmental issues. The list of activities planned by the Council to protect the environment includes the following responsibilities and services: ? animal shelter ? beaches ? Bushcare ? certification (for development) ? Cleansing of public places ? clean-up campaign ? Earthworks ? economic development support? environmental assessment and application determination ? environmental compliance ? environmental education ? environmental health and regulation ? environmental planning ? environmental research and policy ? parks maintenance and construction ? plan of management for community land ? roads construction and traffic management ? stormwater drainage ? street cleaning ? waste collection and education (Management Plan, p. 13). In order to have a full view of how the activities have been balanced in the Management Plan, it’s necessary to investigate the data which is provided in the organizational budget summary. According to the data of capital works budget, the Council spends the most financial resources on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles (19,537,713), non-divisional programs and indirect income (18,073,881), and improving suburbs (10,253,947). The financial resources which are spent on nurturing clean and beautiful nature environment are the next in the list by the volume of budget expenses and can be estimated by 6,561,895. This figure appears quite low in comparison with other activities on which budget money goes. In order to maintain the environment, it’s necessary for the Council to re-structure the expenses of the budget and make sure that more resources are channeled to the environmental protection. The amount of budget money spent on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles is too high, and it’s important for the Council to devote enough attention to environmental protection. The resources which have been channeled for this issue are insufficient, and it’s necessary for the budget planners to take a closer look at this problem. The environmental programs which have been planned by the Council require substantial financial support, therefore the budget has to be planned accordingly to the possible cost of the programs. For example, as the State of Environment report marks, the following programs have been initiated by the Council: Oyster Bay Trip Substitution Project, Beaches to Bay Bus, Travel access Guides in order to reduce car use. Those projects need substantial financial support from the government. It’s very important to take measures in protecting environmentally sensitive land such as Botany Bay National Park, Geroges River National Park, Heathcote National Park, Royal National Park. In order to protect environmentally sensitive land, financial support from the council is very much needed, and large sums of money have to be channeled to the mentioned activities. As the investigations have shown, the Southerland Shire Management Plan and State of Environment report provide sufficient strategic and operational directions. They both reflect all of the strategic goals which have been set for the shire in order to provide choices for future generations without preventing present generations from enjoying all the benefits of nowadays reality. The actions marked in the plan represent a compromise between the necessity of rapid urban growth dictated by present day realities and the necessity to protect environment for future generations to enjoy beautiful nature and clean air in the same way we do now. Bibliography. 1. Management Plan. Sutherland Shire Council. 2. NSW Local Government Act, 1993. 3. State of Environment Report 2002/2003. Sutherland Shire Council.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Situational Irony

Definition and Examples of Situational Irony Situational irony is an event or  occasion in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected or considered appropriate. Also called irony of fate,  irony of events, and irony of circumstance. Dr.  Katherine L. Turner characterizes situational irony as a long con- a ruse taking place over time. Participants and onlookers do not recognize the irony because its revelation comes at a later moment in time, the unexpected twist.  In situational irony, the anticipated outcome contrasts with the end result (This Is the Sound of Irony, 2015). The essence of situational irony,  says J. Morgan Kousser, lies in an apparent contradiction or incongruity between two events or meanings, a contradiction resolved when the literal or surface meaning turns out to be one of appearance only, while the initially incongruous meaning turns out to be the reality (Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 1982). Also Known As: Irony of situation, irony of events, irony of behavior, practical irony, irony of fate, unintended consequences, irony of existence Examples and Observations Situational irony, sometimes called irony of events, is most broadly defined as a situation where the outcome is incongruous with what was expected, but it is also more generally understood as a situation that includes contradictions or sharp contrasts...An example would be a man who takes a step aside in order to avoid getting sprinkled by a wet dog, and falls into a swimming pool.(Lars Ellestrà ¶m, Divine Madness. Bucknell University. Press, 2002)Not all forms of irony are conscious, intentional or planned. For example, irony also occurs serendipitously through unintended and unexpected circumstances or through the evolution of situations. Situational irony focuses on the surprising and inevitable fragility of the human condition, in which the consequences of actions are often the opposite of what was expected.(David Grant, The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse. Sage, 2004)[I]magine that a person has invested  a large sum of money in an apparently reliable company while mocking others for failing to take the same  opportunity. Then, the company turns out to be a failure and all the investors money is lost. The situation is ironical for two reasons in combination: (1) there is a mismatch between the investors certainty on the solvency of the company and the real situation; (2) after getting ruined, the investors unwise mockery of those who did not want to undertake any risk makes the investor look foolish. We may observe that, in situational irony, just like in verbal irony, there is incongruity between intention and effect or between belief and reality.(Francisco Josà © Ruiz de Mendoza Ibà ±ez and Alicia Galera Masegosa,  Cognitive Modeling: A Linguistic Perspective. John Benjamins, 2014) Situational Irony in A.E. Housmans Poem Is My Team Ploughing? â€Å"Is my team ploughing,That I was used to driveAnd hear the harness jingleWhen I was man alive?† Aye, the horses trample,The harness jingles now;No change though you lie underThe land you used to plow. â€Å"Is football playingAlong the river shore,With lads to chase the leather,Now I stand up no more?† Aye, the ball is flying,The lads play heart and soul;The goal stands up, the keeperStands up to keep the goal. â€Å"Is my girl happy,That I thought hard to leave,And has she tired of weepingAs she lies down at eve?† Ay, she lies down lightly,She lies not down to weep:Your girl is well contented.Be still, my lad, and sleep. â€Å"Is my friend hearty,Now I am thin and pine,And has he found to sleep inA better bed than mine?† Yes, lad, I lie easy,I lie as lads would choose;I cheer a dead man’s sweetheart,Never ask me whose.(A.E. Housman, Is My Team Ploughing?  A Shropshire Lad, 1896) Situational Irony in Creative Nonfiction Situational irony  abounds in fiction, but its also a major component to many  non- fiction  narratives- if you think about the popular storm books from a couple of years ago, Sebastian Jungers Perfect Storm and Erik Larsons Isaacs Storm, both accounts of these terrible hurricanes deal with the all-too-human disinclination to take nature seriously. Hey, how bad can some wind and rain be? Not going to stop me from raking in the dough.(Ellen Moore and Kira Stevens, Good Books Lately. St. Martins Press, 2004) The Irony of War Every war is ironic because every war is worse than expected. Every war constitutes an irony of situation because its means are so melodramatically disproportionate to its presumed ends.(Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory. Oxford University Press, 1975) Incongruity in Situational Irony Situational irony entails a certain incongruity between what a person says, believes, or does and how, unbeknownst to that person, things actually are. [In Sophocles tragedy Oedipus Rex]  Oedipus vows to discover Laius murderer, unaware that Laius was his father and that he himself is guilty of patricide. Whatever the precise nature of the incongruity involved in situational irony, verbal and situational irony loosely share a conceptual core of incongruity, often tending toward polar opposition, between two elements, such as a semblance of things and reality.Dramatic irony may be further distinguished as a type of situational irony; it is simply when situational irony occurs in a drama. The incongruity is between what a dramatic character says, believes, or does and how unbeknownst to that character, the dramatic reality is. The example in the preceding paragraph is, then, specifically of dramatic irony.(David Wolfsdorf, Trials of Reason: Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy. Oxfor d University  Press, 2008) A Wimbledon commentator may say, Ironically, it was the year he was given a wild-card entry, and not as a seeded player, that the Croatian won the title. The irony here refers, like linguistic irony, to a doubleness of sense or meaning. It is as though there is the course of events or human intentions, involving our awarding of rankings and expectations, that exists alongside another order of fate beyond our predictions. This is an irony of situation, or an irony of existence.(Claire Colebrook, Irony. Routledge, 2004) The Lighter Side of Situational Irony Sheldon: So this is how it ends: with cruel irony. Just as I make the commitment to preserving my body, I am betrayed by my appendix, a vestigial organ. Do you know the original purpose of the appendix, Leonard? Leonard: No. Sheldon: I do, and yet I am doomed while you live on. Leonard: Funny how things work out, isnt it?(Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki in The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification. The Big Bang Theory, 2010)

Monday, October 21, 2019

william wordsworth essays

william wordsworth essays William Wordsworth Throughout the Romantic Period there were many excellent poets, but one is called the greatest. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the town of Cockermouth, England. Wordsworth was different than most children in the sense that he loved poetry. His unusual writing topics have made him one of the greatest romantic poets. Many of his poems are based on his life and beliefs. What Wordsworth is known for is writing about nature. He learned during his childhood to love nature and what it had to offer him ("Wordsworth,William" 1). William Wordsworth's types of writings were seen in many poems, but Lyrical Ballads and The Prelude were two of his main ones. During the Romantic Period, William Wordsworths types of writings were different than anyone else. In many of his poems, he writes about childhood events (Wordsworth, William 3). In other poems Wordsworth takes a more serious approach. In these poems his topic went from his childhood to the Industrial Revolution of England (U-X-L Biographies 3). What Wordsworth is most known for is nature. Wordsworth wrote many poems about his childhood and the Industrial Revolution, but a majority of them refer to nature (Wordsworth, During William Wordsworth's early adulthood, the Industrial Revolution started in England. Wordsworth was a person who despised the revolution. Throughout many of his poems, he wrote about the effects that the revolution had on the common people. The Excursion is one of his better poems that described his feelings toward the revolution. His feelings for the revolution are shown to his readers through the eyes of a young man (U-X-L Biographies 3). This is just one of Wordsworth's topics of writing. William Wordsworth is known to some people as the Nature Poet. This is because of his many poems about nature (Wordsworth, William 3). At a young age...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

MMC - SAT Scores, Costs and Admissions Data

MMC - SAT Scores, Costs and Admissions Data Marymount Manhattan College Admissions Overview: Marymount Manhattan College accepts over three-quarters of those who apply, making it accessible to the majority of applicants. Students can apply to the school through the schools application, or with the Common Application. In addition, students are required to send in test scores from the SAT or ACTthe majority of applicants submit SAT scores, but both are accepted equally. Additional materials include high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Admissions Data (2016): Marymount Manhattan College Acceptance Rate: 78%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 480 / 600SAT Math: 450 / 570SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 22Â  / 27ACT English: 21Â  / 30ACT Math: 18Â  / 25What these ACT numbers mean Marymount Manhattan College Description: Originally established in 1936 as a Catholic two-year womens college, Marymount Manhattan College is now a nonsectarian four-year liberal arts college. The college consists of two buildings on 71st Street in Manhattan, and the school is proud to declare the city itself as its campus. Students come from 48 states and 36 countries. MMC students can choose from 17 majors and 40 minors, and the college has particular strengths in communications and performing arts. Prospective students with strong grades and standardized test scores should look into the College Honors Program for an enriched learning environment. Academics at Marymount Manhattan College are supported by a 12 to 1Â  student / faculty ratio. Students have all the opportunities of New York City at their fingertips, but they can also participate in any of the colleges 39 student clubs and organizations. The college does not have any varsity athletic teams. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 2,069Â  (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 23% Male / 77% Female89% Full-time Costs (2016Â  - 17): Tuition and Fees: $30,290Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $15,990Other Expenses: $7,500Total Cost: $54,780 Marymount Manhattan College Financial Aid (2015Â  - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 94%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 93%Loans: 83%Average Amount of AidGrants: $13,810Loans: $7,778 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:Â  Art, Business, Communication Arts, Dance, English, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre Arts. Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 73%Transfer Out Rate: 41%4-Year Graduation Rate: 36%6-Year Graduation Rate: 45% Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like MMC, You May Also Like These Schools: Baruch College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHofstra University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAdelphi University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphThe New School: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphManhattan College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNew York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphJuilliard School: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLIU Brooklyn: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Marymount Manhattan College and the Common Application Marymount Manhattan uses the Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples

Saturday, October 19, 2019

British Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Education System - Essay Example With the world economy becoming increasingly borderless, British education offers students a wide range of courses from matriculation to postgraduate levels to suit current market trends. Affordability being a key aspect of the Education British banner, many other measures have been implemented to help students study in the most cost- effective environment possible. Some of these measures include free health-care and the streamlining of all visa applications. Health-care insurance is often one of the biggest worries for international students, who hesitate in paying high premiums for insurance, although it works out cheaper when in need of medical assistance. With the British government's initiatives, all these worries are taken care of as students who are in the Britain for more than six months automatically qualify for the NHS. Another reason why parents send their children to the UK is that colleges and universities there are reputed to provide top quality education which is highly recognized throughout the world. Parents and children are more discerning today in their choice and they are convinced British education will give them value for their money besides offe ring a balanced education. The UK has become an even more attractive education destination then it ever was as students are now in the position to work and study as well as enjoy health benefits that are usually accorded to citizens of a particular country. With the world-class teaching facilities and high achievements in the area of science.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Strategy for the redevelopment of Tottenham Court Road Essay

Marketing Strategy for the redevelopment of Tottenham Court Road - Essay Example tal marketing according to Peattie (1992), who says Green Marketing should mix with any other marketing that a marketing manager would like to focus upon because Green Marketing is â€Å"The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying the requirements of customers and society, in a profitable and sustainable way.† (p. 11). It is the high priority marketing of our generation. But Lovelock (2000) insists on service marketing, because continuous services are necessary in modern economy. He quotes Albrecht: â€Å"Ours is a service economy and it has been one for some time† (p. 1). Fundamental strategic position of marketing in this context depends on the uncertainty created by present global trend. Such consideration â€Å"†¦has been attributed to the increased uncertainty that businessmen feel these days when they can contemplate the future – what will government intrusion, roaring inflation, or the sudden appearance of competition from abroad do to them next?† Weitz and Wensley (1984, p.1). Strategic Marketing suits here due to the importance and all-encompassing significance of the region involved. It is necessary because of the high level in which marketing is conducted and marketing here is aiming at a very long term commitment from customers. They are built-in spaces and immediate disposal or re-disposal is not possible. In many cases, it could be a life-time commitment with investment and cannot be taken lightly hence, time horizon has to be taken into consideration. â€Å"Strategies last for long periods of time, while tactics have short durations. Strategic plans might have a ten year horizon, in contrast to annual marketing plans that deal primarily with tactical issues,† ibid (p.3). Marketing under these circumstances cannot be abrupt due to its ongoing nature. It will be a long term commitment by my firm and new opportunities or threats to opportunities keep appearing for a long time and it is necessary for the marketing

Credit and Lending Decisions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Credit and Lending Decisions - Research Paper Example The company has been operating for over 20 years and to date has produced over 5.5 million ounces of gold while actively increasing its portfolio in order to remain viable. According to Gordon (2011) Resolute Mining Limited is Australia’s second largest gold producer. The company is now into mining for diamonds at its Breccia Project in Australia. The companies main controlled subsidiaries during the year is shown in Table 4 in the Appendix. Resolute Mining Limited (RSG) has been listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) since 1979. The company has been through numerous name changes. Resolute Mining Ltd was registered as Samantha Exploration NL (SAM) in 1979 and soon changed its name to Samantha Gold NL (SAM) on January 18, 1990 and then to Resolute Samantha Ltd (RSG) on July 21, 1995. The name was again changed to Resolute Ltd (RSG) on November 29, 1996 and finally to Resolute Mining Ltd (RSG) in 2001, following a reorganisation of its capital structure ( Resolute emerged as a gold producer in the late 1980’s. During the period of the 1990’s the company diversified into the laterite nickel industry in Western Australia. This decision proved very costly and therefore had a negative impact on key shareholder investment ratios. The company commissioned its Obotan operations in Ghana (in which it had a 90% interest) in May 1997. The construction of the mine in Tanzania started in that same year and was completed 12 months later (Annual Report 2001). In the financial year ended June 30, 2000, Resolute was readmitted to the FT Gold Index as its production of 376,196 ounces of gold was in excess of the 300,000 ounces required. In that year the company had two (2) mines – the Golden Pride Mine in Tanzania (East Africa) and Obotan in Ghana (West Africa). At the end of the financial year June 30, 2000 the company’s debts stood at A$74mn (Annual Report 2000). At the

Unit 12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 12 - Coursework Example She claims that obligation-based theories can’t be sustainable in the long run. One example where these theories fail is the bad-parent case. It is necessary that a parent instills moral values in his kids. Obligation-based theories can’t be used to explain the reason why a parent has obligation to morally educate his children. She also opposes great emphasis on contractualism. She also says that a society that does not know anything about love and partnership is bleak, and impoverished. This gives rise of the need to bridge the gap between obligation-based and care-based theories. She proposes the concept of appropriate trust (Baier, 1995) as a marriage of love, and obligation. We can’t discard the obligation-based theories completely. Rather, we shall create an ethical standard based on love, trust, and relationship. The care-aspect is a very important and meaningful in cases of parents, doctor, nurse, friends and other relationships where deepening of special relationships is like to be more moral than impartial treatment. Rough generalizations can be made in this case, but they are not enough to give guidance for the next cases. Baier’s theory seems to provide a very good explanation of the correct moral behavior for humans. In every act of his, a person should not only just perform his obligation, but also care about other people who might be affected by the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Spreading Inovation Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spreading Inovation - Article Example The program trains professionals who serve low-income children, mostly in health centers. In the program, health providers are taught how to integrate oral health risk assessment and fluoride varnish applications into services that are usually offered to young children (DHHS, 2012). There are particular main problems that affect the oral health of children. These problems include tooth decay, sucking of the thumb, tongue thrusting, and lip sucking. Although baby teeth will later be replaced with permanent teeth, keeping the teeth of children healthy is critical to their health and well-being (Kramer et al., 2013). The mouth has many bacteria, although most of them are harmless. Good oral health care can help to keep the bacteria at bay. Nonetheless, without appropriate oral hygiene, these bacteria can cause oral infections such as gum disease and tooth decay. Many children, especially in low-income families face the problem of tooth decay, and it is important that they get help in order to overcome these issues (Salem et al., 2012). The Colorado community-based health program is aimed at ensuring that the health care professionals are well-equipped to ensure that children’s oral health is maintained. As the manager of Colorado Health Center, I find â€Å"Cavity Free at Three" program to be a very noble idea. The first step in the introduction of the program to the organization is to offer training for all health professionals that work in the organization. Proper training will ensure that every employee understands the idea behind the innovation in order to implement it. The training will involve explaining to the staff the importance of the program and what the organization aims to achieve. The organization will collaborate with the community and other health organizations in its implementation. In order to maintain the program for a long time, the organization will ensure that it sets aside enough funds to be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research this questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research this questions - Assignment Example A report of a research project in a specialist journal will mostly be longer complete with extensive citations to additional research. A report in Financial Times, on the other hand, will be shorter with few citations and may not cite additional research (Grinnell & Unrau 2011, p.149). A report presented in Financial Times will mostly be written by a reporter, journalist- almost anyone. On the contrary, a report of a research project in a specialist journal will mainly be written by either professionals in the field or scholars (experts). Similarly, a report of research project in Financial Times will mostly be written using non technical language. There is the use of an entertaining language to arouse general interest and little documentation (bibliographies) (Kawa-Jump 2003, p.50). The language may also be partially complete with eye catching illustrations to elicit an emotional response. A report in a specialist journal, on the other hand, follows an in-depth research and is written using technical language. In addition, a report in a specialist journal will feature original research studies, bibliographies and references with a language that is objective (Kawa-Jump 2003, p.51). Every research undertaking has philosophical and theoretical ancestry and the foundation and encompasses ontological assumptions and epistemological assumptions (Bryman & Bell 2007, p. 16). A research philosophy refers to the principle on how the data dwelling a certain phenomenal is to be collected, analyzed and used. The key philosophical paradigms that distinguish key components within a research undertaking include positivist derived from natural sciences and characterized by the testing of hypothesis constructed from existing theories (Colwell 2006, p.188). Constructivist, on the other hand, holds that researchers understand situations based on their individual experiences, memories,

Spreading Inovation Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spreading Inovation - Article Example The program trains professionals who serve low-income children, mostly in health centers. In the program, health providers are taught how to integrate oral health risk assessment and fluoride varnish applications into services that are usually offered to young children (DHHS, 2012). There are particular main problems that affect the oral health of children. These problems include tooth decay, sucking of the thumb, tongue thrusting, and lip sucking. Although baby teeth will later be replaced with permanent teeth, keeping the teeth of children healthy is critical to their health and well-being (Kramer et al., 2013). The mouth has many bacteria, although most of them are harmless. Good oral health care can help to keep the bacteria at bay. Nonetheless, without appropriate oral hygiene, these bacteria can cause oral infections such as gum disease and tooth decay. Many children, especially in low-income families face the problem of tooth decay, and it is important that they get help in order to overcome these issues (Salem et al., 2012). The Colorado community-based health program is aimed at ensuring that the health care professionals are well-equipped to ensure that children’s oral health is maintained. As the manager of Colorado Health Center, I find â€Å"Cavity Free at Three" program to be a very noble idea. The first step in the introduction of the program to the organization is to offer training for all health professionals that work in the organization. Proper training will ensure that every employee understands the idea behind the innovation in order to implement it. The training will involve explaining to the staff the importance of the program and what the organization aims to achieve. The organization will collaborate with the community and other health organizations in its implementation. In order to maintain the program for a long time, the organization will ensure that it sets aside enough funds to be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life development Essay Example for Free

Life development Essay The aim of this research is to explore a married couples real life experiences and the possible influences that affect their life development. A qualitative thematic analysis was carried out on pre-existing material of three semi-structured interviews and a video. Two main themes were identified : Various Influences and Changeable. This analysis showed support for some research done regarding Eriksons development stages, Pecks contribution on later life, developmental contextualism and Bronfenbrenners theory. The findings suggest that life development is multi-facet. A reflexive analysis reviews some limitation on this analysis and recommendations are also made. INTRODUCTION Lifespan development is the one among different psychological perspectives. Psychologists are of different views on human development. Some of them split human development into different stages, some of them focus on the peoples later development, some are optimistic but some not, and some opined that our development are deterministic but also some do not think so. Erik Erikson has developed a theory named as Psychosocial in which he stated that there would be eight development stages from birth to later adulthood within our life. (Cooper Roth, 2002). The theory emphasised that our development is a product of the interaction between the society and individual; and our parents seems to play a key role in our early life. Erikson argued that everyone must develop throughout these eight stages. While treating later life as a relative stable period, Erikson neglect the room of change during the middle and old stages, to cope with this difficulty, Peck further subdivided these two stages into sub-stages. For middle age, Peck consider that we should acknowledge our loss of physical strength while also appreciate our gaining of wisdom, the main task within these stage is to redefine ones personality and personal relationship. Besides, individual should shift their emotional attachment to both the vertical and horizontal relationship, i. e. the death of parents and friendship (Cooper Roth, 2002). For old age, in order to cater the crisis of retirement, Peck argued that individual need to seek other meaningful activities, thus accepted by themselves that they are continually contribute to and valued by the society. Other approach on lifespan development is named as developmental contextualism. It emphasised that development of an individual cannot be seen as an isolated manner, rather, there are internal (e. g. physical fitness) and external (e. g. cultural and social) factors that influences ones development. These factors are referred as a level of explanation by psychologists, they comprise different variables, for instances, interpersonal influence, cultural influence, historical influence and etc. These variables would interact and change each other at the same or a different level of explanation which is known as dynamic interactionism. (Cooper Roth, 2002) In contrast to developmental contextualism, Bronfenbrenner is of different view. He argued that individuals are capable to determine their own development rather than simply constrained by internal and external influences. In his ecological theory of development, he suggested that individuals are actively interact with his or her environment during their development. According to the theory, it divided individual physical environment into four parts, i. e. micosystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem as well. The microsystem refers to ones immediate environment, includes social, symbolic and physical characteristics, e. g. personality, healths, values and expectations. The mesosystem describes two or more microsystems inhabited by the same person, e. g. family, work and marriage. Links that take place between two or more settings involving the individual is known as the exosystem, i. e. our community. The macrosystem illustrates the patterns of the aforesaid systems that characterize any given culture or society structures. (Cooper Roth, 2002) In view of the above approaches, it seems that human development are encompassed by different stages, with internal and external influences; and individuals are with ability to actively change it during the process of development. The purpose of this qualitative research is to see how a couple, Tony and Jo experienced their life and what influence to their development indeed. METHOD Three semi-structured interviews were conducted of a (an aging) couple, Tony and Jo. There is no information on the exact ages of the stakeholders, including the interviewees and the three interviewers. For teaching purposes, the process of the interviews were videotaped with the interviewees consent. The interviews touch topics of identity, separation and attachment and lifespan development. The first interview was conducted by a female researcher Jane who knew that couple for several years. A male researcher has conducted the second interview who knew none about that couple. The last interviewer was a female who asked them about their experiences on the first two interviews. The research was adopted analysing pre-existing materials. It assumed that the Open University of United Kingdom (OUUK) adhered strictly to the British psychological code of ethics such as obtaining informed written consent, addressing issues around confidentiality, protection of participants identities, permission to withdraw at any time and sufficient debriefing. (Miell, Phoenix Thomas, 2002). I am a Chinese male, a part-time psychology student (36 years of age) of the Open University of Hong Kong, and carried out a qualitative thematic analysis on transcripts and video provided by the OUUK. (see Appendix for the full annotated transcripts and an extracted video of the three interviews is also attached) The lifespan development research topic and question were selected and supplied by the OUUK (DSE 212, Method Booklet 5, pages 60 and 61). Familiarization of material was done by reading Chapter 1 in Book 2 (Cooper Roth, 2002). The next stage of the analysis involved my reading the transcripts several times noting significant points related to my chosen research topic. I then identified recurrent themes from the transcripts. Two main themes were identified and the data was condensed under these themes. This was achieved by photocopying the transcripts and highlighting each bit of the dialogue relating to the themes in different colour pens. Only the first two interviews were used in this research.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Green Synthesis of o-Phenyl-benzothiazole

Green Synthesis of o-Phenyl-benzothiazole Green Condensation of o-Aminothiophenol to o-Phenyl-benzothiazole David Fairchild, Alex Irion, Dominic Russo, Luke Sanders Abstract Herein we describe a simple, efficient, and environmentally friendly synthesis of o-arylbenzothiazoles, such as o-phenyl-benzothiazole, under standard ambient temperature and pressure via reaction of o-aminothiophenols with aromatic aldehydes using glycerol as a solvent. The combined characteristics of glycerol allow it to act as both a green and biodegradable solvent, but its high polarity also catalyzes the reaction between various o-aminothiophenols and aromatic aldehydes, hence replacing the need for expensive, and often environmentally hazardous, solvents or catalysts. Land management Water conservation clean-up Green Condensation of o-Aminothiophenol to o-Phenyl-benzothiazole Problem Numerous o-arylbenzothiazoles can be found in a variety of biologically occurring compounds, and they are becoming an increasingly important family of antitumor agents (Kashiyama E et al., 1999)1; moreover, these compounds exhibit biological activity as antituberculosis agents and antiparasitics (Yamamoto K et al., 1998)2, but also serve as useful imaging agents for ÃŽ ²-amyloid (Lee BC et al., 2011)3. Traditionally, most o-arylbenzothiazoles are synthesized by either arylation of benzothiazole with aryl bromides and catalyzed by palladium (II) acetate, copper (I) bromide, or tri-tert-butylphosphine (Vattoly J. Majo, Jaya Prabhakaran, J.John Mann, J.S. Dileep Kumar, 2003)4 or via condensation of o-aminothiophenols by varying functional groups with a number of different catalysts including: trimethylsilyl chloride (S. V. Ryabukhin, A. S. Plaskon, D. M. Volochnyuk, A. A. Tolmachev, 2006)5, manganese (II) oxide (Cecilia D. Wilfred Richard J. K. Taylor, 2004)6, or 1-methyl-3-pentylimidazo-lium bromide (Brindaban C. Ranu, Ranjan Jana, Suvendu S. Dey, 2004)7. Nevertheless, there have been several recent and more environmentally friendly procedures for synthesizing o-arylbenzothiazoles, such as with a mixture of sulfuric acid and silicon dioxide to act as a catalyst (Behrooz Maleki et al., 2010)8, or with p-toluenesulfonic acid in water (Najmedin AziziAlireza et al., 2009)9; however, m any of these recent discoveries require high temperatures, lengthy reaction times, and sometimes result in relatively low yield. In addition, many of the catalysts employed in the traditional reactions are both economically and environmentally costly, thus often resulting in serious environmental pollution, which may affect important waterways for many ecological systems. An important tenet of green chemistry is the minimal use of auxiliary substances and the use of innocuous solvents whenever possible; solvents play a major role in the environmental performance of chemical processes, but also impact cost, safety, and operational health. Thus, the purpose behind green solvents expresses the goal to minimize the environmental impact resulting from the use of solvents in chemical procedures; hence, many of these solvents exhibit similar properties, including: low volatility, low cost, high reusability, low toxicity, low flammability, and high solvation power for both inorganic and organic compounds. Glycerol is one such compound that has recently garnered much attention as a result of these aforementioned qualities since it combines many of the characteristics of water with many of the benefits of ionic liquids. We have therefore chosen this project because the field of green chemistry is an ever-growing and an ever-more-important subfield of chemistry, and because a better and more efficient synthesis of o-phenylbenzothiazole and other o-arylbenzothiazoles will have practical applications toward minimizing potential environmental waste from the preparation of an increasingly important research pharmaceutical. Hypothesis If glycerols high polarity and solvation ability were able to act as a functional group on aromatic aldehydes, then o-phenylbenzothiazole could be produced by simple condensation of o-aminothiophenol. Experimentation Due to the limited availability of many of the basic reagents required for this experiment, we plan on first synthesizing many of the preparatory reagents on a micro scale; these chemicals are more easily available in bulk, and, hence, the following procedures would be unnecessary in practice. The following preparations include: Preparation of Nitrobenzene by Mixed Acid Nitration of Benzene Nitrobenzene is produced by simple nitration of benzene with nitric acid and sulfuric acid acting as catalysts. A 500 ml flask is charged with a stir bar and 8 ml of concentrated 98% sulfuric acid and 84.013 ml of concentrated 90% nitric acid is added slowly (note 1). Once the solution of acids cools, 182.687 ml of benzene is slowly added to the flask (note 2). Once all the benzene is added, the contents of the flask are poured into an appropriate separatory funnel and the bottom aqueous layer is discarded. The crude nitrobenzene is then washed with 40ml of distilled water three times to remove excess acids; once complete, an appropriate round bottom flask (RBF) is charged with the bottom layer (crude nitrobenzene), and the top layer is discarded. A simple distillation of the crude nitrobenzene is performed collecting the fraction between 207Â ° C and 211Â ° C. This distillate is then dried with calcium chloride, and filtered off for future use yielding approximately 170.37 ml of pure nitrobenzene (~83% theoretical yield based on nitric acid). Preparation of Aniline by Reduction of Nitrobenzene Aniline is synthesized by a modified procedure outlined in Vogel (5, p. 892)10. 178.065 g of tin powder,140 ml of distilled water, and 564.972 ml of 38% hydrochloric acid are charged into a two-way 1 L RBF along with a suitable stir bar. A thermometer and a pressure-equalizing additional funnel with 102.636ml of the previously prepared nitrobenzene are clamped to the RBF. The RBF is placed on a hot plate and slowly heated and stirred while nitrobenzene is slowly added (note 3); upon completion, the solution is set up for reflux for 30 minutes. Thereafter, 39.997 g of sodium hydroxide are added, and the solution is set up for steam distillation. The collected distillate from the previous steam distillation is placed in a suitable separatory funnel, where it is washed with a saturated brine solution. The top layer of aniline is then placed in another suitable RBF and setup for simple distillation; this distillation is carried out until the temperature reaches 130Â ° C. The collected distillate is then redistilled with the fraction between 180Â ° C and 184Â ° C collected (note 4). The final distillate of 90.336 ml (~97% yield based on nitrobenzene) is then poured into a suitable container for storage and future use. Preparation of Acetanilide Acetanilide is prepared by simple acetylation of the previously prepared aniline with acetic anhydride. 77.479 ml of the previously prepared aniline are charged into a 250 ml RBF, and 20 ml of water are added with an additional 2 ml of 38% hydrochloric acid so that the previous two layers mix; a stir bar is also charged in the flask. The solution of aniline hydrochloride is gently heated while stirring is begun. A mixture of 80.200 ml of acetic anhydride are added and 4.5 g of sodium acetate is quickly added all at once. Heat is removed, while vigorous stirring is maintained. The white acetalanilide precipitate is then vacuum-filtered off and then washed with cold water, yielding approximately110.96 g of product with a m.p. between 112Â ° C to 115Â ° C. Preparation and Separation of o-Nitroaniline from Acetanilide o-Nitroaniline is prepared by a slightly modified mixed acid nitration of acetanilide. 100g of the previously prepared dry acetanilide is charged into a two-neck 100 ml RBF along with a suitable stir bar. This set up is placed over a magnetic stirrer (note 5), and a pressure-equalizing addition funnel containing 31.079 ml of 90% nitric acid, 2 ml of 98% sulfuric acid (note 6), and a thermometer are clamped to the RBF. The mixed acids are then slowly added drop-wise in 2 ml portions every ten minutes to allow for adequate cooling of the reaction. Once the acid addition is complete, the addition funnel is removed, and 15 ml of ice water are added, heated to reflux allowing the nitroacetanilides to hydrolyze. After approximately 15 to 20 minutes, the reaction is allowed to cool; once cooled, an equimolar amount of sodium hydroxide (based on acetanilide) is very slowly added to the RBF. The crude mixture nitroacetanilides is then filtered off and dried. This crude product is recrystallized from hot ethanol, thus allowing the p- and o- isomer to separate. The crystals are filtered off and stored for later use, however, the filtrate, which predominately contains o-nitroaniline, is set up for column chromatography with methylene chloride for further purification. Afterwards, the methylene chloride is allowed to evaporate off, yielding approximately 35.621 g of o-nitroaniline with a m.p. between 69Â ° C and 75 Â ° C. Preparation of o-Chloronitrobenzene from o-Nitroaniline Hartman and Brethen (1923)11 found that m-chloronitrobenzene can be synthesized by formation of the diazonium salt from m-nitroaniline. Based on their procedure, o-chloronitrobenzene is similarly synthesized from the previously prepared o-nitroaniline. A 500ml RBF is charged with 15 g of o-nitroaniline and with an equimolar amount of 38% hydrochloric acid, along with an additional 250 ml of hot water, a stir bar, and an additional equimolar amount of hydrochloric acid, and this set up is then placed over a magnetic stirrer. The entire mixture is cooled, and 20 g of sodium nitrite are added slowly with heavy stirring; once this addition is complete, the solution is filtered to remove any amorphous solids. A suitable two-neck RBF is charged with a mixture containing 14.251 g of cuprous chloride in 38% hydrochloric acid; a thermometer and powder addition funnel containing the previously prepared o-nitrobenzenediazonium chloride are clamped to the flask. o-Nitrobenzenediazonium chloride then is very slowly added to the flask over a period of one hour. After this addition is complete, the mixture is set up for reflux until nitrogen stops evolving from the flask, after which the solution is set up for simple steam distillation until no more o-chloronitrobenzene comes over. The distillate is cooled to allow the o-chloronitrobenzene to crystallize; this crude distillate is washed with sodium hydroxide and then with cold water, resulting in approximately 29 g of o-chloronitrobenzene (~62% theoretical yield based on o-nitroaniline). Synthesis of o-Aminothiophenol by Sulfunation of o-Chloronitrobenzene o-Aminothiophenol is synthesized by a modified procedure outlined in US Patent No. 3931321 (1976)12. 10 g of the previously prepared o-chloronitrobenzene with 80 ml of water are charged into a 250 ml RBF. Paraffin oil is used instead of the special emulsion polymerizer outlined in the original patent; the mixture is strongly stirred, and an addition funnel containing solution 15.022 g of sodium sulfide and an equimolar amount of sodium hydroxide is clamped to the flask; the solution is added slowly over 10 minute intervals with periods of cooling in between. The mixture is heated between 100Â ° C and 110Â ° C for approximately two hours. The product is set up for steam distillation until a clear distillate comes over. To this clear distillate, .5 g of activated carbon is added, and the mixture is washed with cold toluene; for further work up, the product is then washed 38% hydrochloric acid until the pH is adjusted to six, and the mixture is poured into a separatory funnel from which the bottom aqueous layer is removed. Excess toluene is then removed by simple distillation, and this distillate is allowed to cool. Approximately 5.461 g of o-aminothiophenol crystallizes (~78.37% yield based on o-chloronitrobenzene) with a m.p. between 22Â ° C and 25Â ° C. Synthesis of Benzaldehyde by Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol Benzaldehyde is synthesized by simple oxidation of benzyl alcohol. A two neck 500 mL RBF is setup with a ring stand and wire mesh pad. A Bunsen burner is then placed below the apparatus, and the RBF is charged with an appropriate stir bar and 103.5 g of sodium persulfate dissolved in a minimum quantity of water. A pressure-equalizing funnel containing 30 ml of benzyl alcohol and a reflux condenser are clamped to the flask. This set up is then heated to reflux while benzyl alcohol is slowly added drip-wise; once all the benzyl alcohol is completely added, the Bunsen burner is extinguished, and replaced with a magnetic stirrer until the solution cools down. Upon cooling, the RBF is setup for steam distillation. The distillate is then poured into a separatory funnel, and the bottom crude benzaldehyde is separated out; this crude product is then dried over magnesium sulfate. Once dried, the benzaldehyde is placed in a suitable RBF and fractionally distilled under vacuum at approximately .109 atm; the fraction between 91Â ° C and 93Â ° C is collected, leaving 19.35 ml of pure benzaldehyde (~65% theoretical yield based on benzyl alcohol). Synthesis of o-Phenyl-benzothiazole from o-Aminothiophenol and Benzaldehyde 2 g of the previously prepared o-aminothiophenol and 1.695 g of benzaldehyde are charged into a 25 ml Erlenmeyer flask with 15 ml of glycerol. The reaction is heated for one hour. Afterwards, water is added until precipitate no longer fell out of solution; the precipitate is purified via recrystallization in hot ethanol, thus resulting in 3.034 g of o-phenyl-benzothiazole with a m.p. between 112Â ° C and 114Â ° C. Works Cited Kashiyama E1, Hutchinson I, Chua MS, Stinson SF, Phillips LR, Kaur G, Sausville EA, Bradshaw TD, Westwell AD, Stevens MF. (1999, Oct 7). Antitumor benzothiazoles. 8. Synthesis, metabolic formation, and biological properties of the C- and N-oxidation products of antitumor 2-(4-aminophenyl)benzothiazoles. Retrieved from Yamamoto K1, Fujita M, Tabashi K, Kawashima Y, Kato E, Oya M, Iso T, Iwao J. (1988, May 31). Novel calcium antagonists. 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Retrieved from!divAbstract Brindaban C. Ranu, Ranjan Jana, Suvendu S. Dey (2004, February 2). An Efficient and Green Synthesis of 2-Arylbenzothiazoles in an Ionic Liquid, [pmIm]Br under Microwave Irradiation. Retrieved from Maleki B, Salehabadi H, Moghaddam MK (2010, September 5). Room-Temperature Synthesis of 2-Arylbenzothiazoles using Sulfuric Acid Immobilized on Silica as a Reusable Catalyst under Heterogeneous Condition. Retrieved from Najmedin Azizi, Alireza Khajeh Amiri, Roya Baghi, Mohammad Bolourtchian, Mohammad M. Hashemi (2009, July 21). PTSA catalyzed simple and green synthesis of benzothiazole derivatives in water. Retrieved from 009-0209-4 A.I. Vogel, A.R. Tatchell, B.S. Furnis, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith (1996). Vogels Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry (5th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall W. W. Hartman M. R. Brethen (1923). Organic Syntheses (3rd ed.). Planker, Siegfried Baessler, Konrad (1976) US Patent No. 3931321 Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.